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Rarety: What is Rarity in Teamfight Tactics?

In Teamfight Tactics (TFT), rarity is a key mechanic that influences how you build and upgrade your team. Rarity refers to the tier or quality of champions available in the shop each round, impacting their frequency, cost, and overall power level.

How Does Rarity Work in TFT?

Champions are divided into five rarity levels: 1-cost, 2-cost, 3-cost, 4-cost, and 5-cost. A 1-cost champion is more common and cheaper, making them ideal for filling your bench early on. In contrast, 5-cost champions are rarer and more powerful, often appearing late in the game when you’ve leveled up your Little Legend[1].

How Does Rarity Impact Rolling Strategies?

Rarity directly affects your rolling strategy. If you're trying to hit 3-star champions early, you might go for a hyper-roll strategy, rolling down your gold at level 4 or 5 to grab as many low-cost units as possible. 

On the other hand, if you’re aiming for powerful 4-cost or 5-cost champions, you might choose to slow roll or even high roll later in the game after reaching higher levels, where these rarer champions become more accessible.

What Role Does Rarity Play in Champion Upgrades?

Rarity also determines how easily you can upgrade champions on your board. For instance, upgrading a 1-cost champion to 3-star is more manageable with hyper rolling, as these units appear more frequently. In contrast, getting a 5-cost champion to 2-star or 3-star can be a challenge, often requiring a bit of luck—or a lucky high roll in the shop.


Understanding rarity in TFT is essential for optimizing your board and making informed decisions during the carousel[2], rolling phases, and managing your bench. Whether you're low rolling for 3-star 1-cost units or saving up for a powerful 5-cost carry, mastering rarity will give you the edge you need to outmaneuver your opponents.



  1. [1] "Little Legend". Retrieved August 21, 2024
  2. [2] "Carousel". Retrieved August 21, 2024

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