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Hookah: What is Hookah in Valorant

In Bind, there are area names for everywhere on the map, except for the place between B-window and B-short. That small room is named Hookah by the Valorant community because that location resembles a hookah bar. Even though Hookah isn’t an official name, enough players are now using the term that it’s instantly recognizable for those who’ve been playing competitive Valorant for some time.

Strategically, Hookah is one of the most essential areas to have control of in Bind. For attackers, having control of Hookah allows them to attack B-site or pressure their enemies. For defenders, controlling that area allows them to maintain their grasp over B site and prevents the attacking team from pushing.

How to counter Hookah rushes as a defender in Valorant?

A 5-man Hookah rush is one of the hardest things to counter in low ranks, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to stop. The main thing players can do to stop Hookah rushes is to make use of abilities. 

Agents like Sage and Cypher can easily stop rushes with their abilities. For example, Sages can put slow orbs to delay the enemy team’s push, or they can just put up a wall and halt it completely. Cypher can put multiple tripwires and deploy cages right when the enemy team pushes to ping their locations and daze them. If the Cypher does it successfully, he can kill the entire team in one big swoop.

Smokes can also help in halting rushes. Putting Brimstone smokes and then throwing a Molotov in that area can damage the enemy team quite a lot if they aren’t careful. Another thing players can do after dropping a smoke is by hiding in one of the corners and shooting anyone that comes out of it.

Was ist als Nächstes?

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