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Page 8 League of Legends news.

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Top 10 best jungle clearing champions in League of Legends
Top 10 best jungle clearing champions in League of Legends

League of Legends has a bunch of different champions that players can choose from to see w …

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League of Legends: Everyone Hates the New Mastery Crests
League of Legends: Everyone Hates the New Mastery Crests

League of Legends players were in for a surprise with the unveiling of the new Champion Ma …

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How To Change Your Name in League of Legends?
How To Change Your Name in League of Legends?

League of Legends is a game that has been going strong for several years now. However, whi …

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League of Legends: New Kennen Quality of Life Changes
League of Legends: New Kennen Quality of Life Changes

Small but impactful adjustments have been made to everyone's favorite lightning yordle, Ke …

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League of Legends Season 14: Arena Mode return date
League of Legends Season 14: Arena Mode return date

League of Legends has introduced several game modes over the years. However, we doubt any …

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League of Legends Arena Mode May changes
League of Legends Arena Mode May changes

League of Legends Arena Mode has become a major fan-favorite with several players preferri …

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Best LoL players of all time
Best LoL players of all time

League of Legends has gone on to become one of the most popular games of all time. With so …

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Best LoL teams of all time
Best LoL teams of all time

League of Legends is one of the best known games of all time with countless professional p …

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League of Legends: New Void Grub Changes
League of Legends: New Void Grub Changes

Exciting alterations are shaking up the landscape of League of Legends, with Riot Games ro …

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League of Legends: Mordekaiser Ultimate Can No Longer be Cancelled with QSS?
League of Legends: Mordekaiser Ultimate Can No Longer be Cancelled with QSS?

In the heart of a teamfight, Mordekaiser's ultimate has been a game-changer, isolating and …

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League of Legends: The New Lee Sin ASU - Updated Skins and Visuals
League of Legends: The New Lee Sin ASU - Updated Skins and Visuals

After the recent Skarner VGU (Visual and Gameplay Update), Riot's attention now turns to L …

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How to Get Out of Silver in League of Legends
How to Get Out of Silver in League of Legends

While League of Legends has tons of different ranks players can reach depending on how wel …

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League of Legends: Best One For All Champions
League of Legends: Best One For All Champions

The One For All game mode is back in League of Legends. While most game modes have players …

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League of Legends: New Skarner Rework - Abilities and Gameplay Changes
League of Legends: New Skarner Rework - Abilities and Gameplay Changes

After months of cryptic teasers, release rumors, and periodical splash art reveals, the wa …

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Faker LoL Settings: A Complete Guide
Faker LoL Settings: A Complete Guide

Faker is arguably one of the biggest names in the history of League of Legends. Widely reg …

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